NOS Email

Supercharge your B2B Outreach

AI-Powered Email Blasts: Reach 100 Prospects in 3 Clicks

NOS Email is an AI-powered email blast service that lets you reach up to 100 prospects in just three clicks. No need to set up domains, find leads, enrich contact information, or validate emails. Accelerate your outreach process effortlessly.


Select Target Companies

Tell us what kind of companies you want to reach out to.


Describe Your Offering

Tell us what you are selling.


Send and Track Emails

Send emails after validating samples.

Use Cases: Accelerate Your Outreach Effortlessly

Whether you're a startup or an established company, NOS Email helps you reach your goals faster.

Startups Pitching to VCs

Blast your deck to venture capitalists whose investment thesis aligns with your startup.

Launching New Features

Reach out to potential new markets when launching a new feature or product.

Event Invitations

Invite key industry players to your webinars, workshops, or conferences with ease.

Market Research

Quickly gather insights by reaching out to a targeted group of companies.